The History
About Bedhaya DanceBedhaya Ketawang sacred dance routine is performed in the palace of the sultan of Java (Yogyakarta Palace and the Sultan of Solo). Also called the heavens dance, Bedhaya Ketawang is a form of ritual dance with the purpose of worship and sacrifice to God.
In the early days in Surakarta Palace dance is only performed by seven women only. However, because the dance is considered very sacred, special dances, the dancers then increased to nine people. Nine dancers consisted of eight sons and daughters of the remaining blood and kinship ties of the palace as well as a dancer who is believed to be magical figure of Nyai Roro Kidul. (The Queen of Southern Ocean)
When Bedhaya Dance will be PerformedBedhaya dance itself is a sacred dance, and full of symbolism of Javanese cultural values, a dance that a duration until approximately 120 minutes, is danced by 9 women who still virgin by describing the nine hole contained passion in human beings, this Bedhaya dance is a graceful and quiet , is said to dance Bedhaya recognized as the highest achievement of classical Javanese women.
The focus of this dance is the love scene between the Queen Kencanasari with Panembahan Senopati. The music that accompanies this dance consists of five instruments, namely kemanak, kethuk, kenong, drums, and the sound of gongs and sinden *.
Ketawang Bedhaya dance can be interpreted as a representation of the war movement, such as Supit Urang ** and *** Nglayang Garuda. During the one hour show, both the king and the spectators are allowed to smoke, drink or eat. This is a strong traditional belief of dance Bedhaya Ketawang. It is considered a symbol of union between the king and his people and between God and His creation (Manunggaling kawula Gusti).
In preparation for performances, the dancers must follow some rules and ceremonies. This preparation is just like if someone is going to get married. The night before the show, the dancers had to sleep in the Panti Satria, the most sacred shrine in the palace where all the spiritual heritage is saved.
Before the dance Bedhaya Ketawang was held, there are few rules or also known as the ceremonial rites that must be met by the palace and the dancers. Namely, to the palace must perform the ceremony or ritual that is Larungan Labuhan or sacrifice offerings in the form of 4 point edge / point of the compass around the palace. Here, the court described as the center of the Cosmic of the world and represents the four corners of the universe point.
Ketawang Bedhoyo great dance performed only once every eight years or eight years while dancing Bedhaya Ketawang minor done at the time of the coronation of the King or the royal wedding of one member of the plus symbols in accordance with the aims and objectives Bedhaya Ketawang done